Tezcatlipoca (Hanson) and Quetzalcoatl (Mendoza) agree to close the five gates linking Earth to the Underworld (see Dimensions), so only the celestial gods will have access to human blood Additionally, their tendency to waste blood fighting wars means Tezcatlipoca wishes to destroy and remake humanity at the equinox, not for the first timeApr 6, 21 Explore Adam Dodds's board "Onyx Equinox" on See more ideas about equinox, onyx, crunchyroll · Onyx Equinox date de sortie, distribution, intrigue, bandeannonce et tout ce que nous savons jusqu'à présent La prochaine série originale de Crunchyroll, Onyx Equinox, a fait beaucoup de bruit dans l'industrie de l'anime depuis que les

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Summary The hardest part of his entire plan is pretending that he doesn't care Language English Words 659 Chapters 1/1 Comments 6 Kudos 43 Bookmarks 4 Hits 212 · The Onyx Equinox anime is one of the few anime to be featured on Crunchyroll's most popular list for Pic credit Crunchyroll Studios Crunchyroll's Onyx Equinox Season 2Summary Tezcatlipoca wants Yaotl to serve him and praise him Language
07may21 Explora el tablero de Dosei「🌙🌸🌸」 "°•` Onyx Equinox ♡" en Ver más ideas sobre dioses aztecas, aztecas, dioses · C'est via Crunchyroll que nous apprenons la date de sortie de l'anime Onyx Equinox Les principaux personnages de l'anime ainsi que leurs doubleurs anglais ont également été présentés pour l'occasion à travers un Character Trailer À noter que la série sera doublée en français, allemand, espagnol et portugais dès son lancement · El regreso de Yaotl, la visita de otros dioses, la llegada de nuevos compañeros y la atracción entre Izel y Yun llevan a una serie de problemas, que arriesgarán de una forma terrible la unión de todo el grupo y su principal objetivo ¡¡DISFRÚTENLO!!
· En el primer episodio de Onyx Equinox, tras el ataque de Mictlantecuhtli, vemos a cuatro dioses que toman formas humanas para presenciar el evento y decidir qué hacer Sabemos que dos de ellos son Tezcatlipoca y Quetzalcoatl, pero la serie no deja claro quiénes son los otrosOnyx Equinox 1x01 Titulo Episodio 1 Temporada 01 Capitulo 01 Sinopsis Mientras Mictlantecuhtli inicia una guerra de sangre, los otros dioses consideran destruir a la humanidad por completoQuetzalcoatl y Tezcatlipoca hacen una apuesta paralela para ver si el "más bajo de los más bajos" puede servir como el campeón de la humanidad para salvar a la raza humanaOnyx Equinox es una serie web animada estadounidense creada por Sofia Alexander para Crunchyroll que se estrenó el 21 de noviembre del 1 Reparto 11 Personajes episódicos 12 Voces adicionales 2 Muestras multimedia 3 Transmisión vía Streaming Dafnis Fernández Diego Becerril Paco Mauri Rubén

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Onyx Equinox (TV Series – ) Zeus Mendoza as Quetzalcoatl, QuetzacoatlOnyx Equinox is an American adult animated web series created by Sofia Alexander for CrunchyrollIt is based on the mythologies of Mesoamerica, featuring deities of Aztec, Zapotec, and Mayan myth The series focuses on an adolescent Aztec boy named Izel After being saved from death by the Gods, Izel is given a weapon and a mission to close the five gates of the underworld · Onyx Equinox, qui sortira le samedi 21 novembre à 13 h 30 PT, suit le jeune garçon aztèque Izel, le héros en formation réticent de l'humanité Alors que l'un des dieux dévore l'humanité, d'autres tournent les yeux sur Izel pour fermer les cinq portes des Enfers et arrêter l'anéantissement

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Sofia La Ahijada Del Matador Happy I Get To Doodle Quetzalcoatl And Tezcatlipoca Now That You Guys Are All Caught Up On Onyx Equinox Here S Them Without Their Headdresses Because
Tezcatlipoca is a little shit;Monica Maldonado hat diesen Pin entdeckt Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei · Parents need to know that Onyx Equinox is an adultoriented anime series set in ancient Mesoamerican history, and features some of the mythology and cultural practices of the time There is lots of fantasy violence, including gory scenes of people covered in blood, missing limbs, committing suicide, and having necks slashed as part of ritualistic human sacrifices

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· Onyx Equinox, the third Original production by animedistributor Crunchyroll, is a bloodspilling animated fantasy series steeped into the · "Quetzalcóatl y Tezcatlipoca apuestan el futuro de la humanidad 🔥 https//tco/stzsx6KkM1"An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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No beta we die like nelli;Jan 30, 21 This Pin was discovered by Amaya Flores Discover (and save!) your own Pins onOnyx Equinox by ode mě dostal 10/10, kdyby postavu Jaguára namluvil Christopher Judge a já si tak mohl naplno užít další BOY simulátor!Takhle to na mě působí spíš tak, že Izelovi říká pořád BOY hlavně proto, aby divák opravdu pochopil (především díky špatně zvolenému dabingu), že je to opravdu kluk a ne baba!

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· Ep 11No copyright infringement intended, all of this belongs to their rightful owners, this is only for entertainment purposes著作権侵害は意図されていません。これはすべてEl viejo sabroso Quetzalcóatl 339 likes Perfil en donde somos simp del poderosisimo Quetzalcoatl, el más sabroso de Onyx Equinox Medio de difusión de Onyx Equinox y lo increíble que seria tenerPlot What Plot/Porn Without Plot;

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· 96 points • 22 comments Onyx Equinox Quetzalcoatl y Tezcatlipoca 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sportLa serie Onyx Equinox y sus personajes le pertenecen a su creadora, Sofía AlexanderOnyx Equinox es una serie de televisión de transmisión de dibujos animados animados mexicanoestadounidense creada por Sofia Alexander para Crunchyroll Se basa en las mitologías de Mesoamérica , presenta deidades de los mitos azteca , maya y zapoteca , al tiempo que hace referencias a los olmecas La serie se estrenó el 21 de noviembre de

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How Onyx Equinox Pulls Characters Gods Settings From Mesoamerican Myth Polygon
Onyx Equinox (Cartoon) (29) Aztec Religion (1) Exclude Characters Quetzalcoatl (15) Tezcatlipoca (Aztec Religion) (14) Izel (Marvel) (9) Yaotl (TMNT) (6) Yun (5) Huitzilopochtli (Aztec Religion) (3) Nelli G (LA By Night) (2) Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Religion) (1) Xipe Totec (1) Xolotl (Aztec Religion) (1) Exclude RelationshipsI think Quetzalcoatl's real goal was to give Izel the incentive he needed to kill the gods to present them as the petty, vindictive monsters that they are On a side note I love how the gods were portrayed in Onyx EquinoxOnyx Equinox (– ) Episode List Season OR Year Season 1 S1, Ep1 21 Nov The Last Day 78 (35) 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 As Mictlantecuhtli initiates a blood war, the other Gods consider destroying humanity altogether Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca make a side bet to see if the "lowestofthelow" can serve as humanity

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· While Onyx Equinox plays the right move focusing on the human side of the story at first (at least, on paper), Quetzalcoatl ends up picking Izel, a 12yearold slave driven to suicide over the ritual sacrifice of his sister the previous day, as his champion Yaotl, the dutiful and angry emissary of Tezcatlipoca is then given the task of · EXCLUSIVE Onyx Equinox Clip Reveals Yaotl's Growing Doubts About Izel In a CBRexclusive clip from Crunchyroll's Onyx Equinox, Yaotl summons Quetzalcoatl to discuss his doubts about Izel, only to discover another shockOnyx Equinox Episode Summaries Guide & TV Show Schedule The Mexica/Aztec god of the underworld, Mictlantecuhtli, has began stealing blood sacrifices from the other gods, culminating in a Zapotec city being leveled To these ends, Quetzalcoatl decides to close the gates to the underworld, but can't due to said gates being made of obsidian, which is toxic against the gods

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Onyx Equinox is a MexicanAmerican animated cartoon streaming television series created by Sofia Alexander for CrunchyrollIt is based on the mythologies of Mesoamerica, featuring deities of Aztec, Maya and Zapotec myth, while also making references to the Olmecs The series premiered on November 21, Alexander said that she hoped that fans of Western animation would "seeOnyx Equinox Show Summary The Mexica/Aztec god of the underworld, Mictlantecuhtli, has began stealing blood sacrifices from the other gods, culminating in a Zapotec city being leveled To these ends, Quetzalcoatl decides to close the gates to the underworld, but can't due to said gates being made of obsidian, which is toxic against the gods · Onyx Equinox has a lot more in common with western toons than it does anime despite being, let's say "anime adjacent", in the same way as Avatar The Last Airbender or CastlevaniaIt's also notably, an original actionfantasy for adults Something we're seeing more and more of in the age of streaming Still, we mustn't forget the mountain of anime money upon

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Onyx Equinox Changes What You Think Of Aztec Mythology By Making It Anime
· Onyx Equinox Quetzalcoatl FanArt By Omegasempai Watch 1 Favourite 0 Comments 75 Views butterfly butterflyboy butterflyeffect butterflywings onyx quetzalcoatl butterflyphotography butterflybutterflies onyxequinox butterflykingdom quetzalcoatl_fanart onyxequinoxfanart onyxequinoxnelli onyxequinoxanime onyxequinoxartTezcatlipoca is a character in Onyx Equinox Finding humanity to have grown violent and irreverent, he seeks to destroy and remake it by the equinox, but he went ahead with Quetzalcoatl's bet to see if a human would close the gates of the underworld To these ends, he sent his loyal emissary Yaotl to watch Izel to ensure there'd be no trickery on Quetzalcoatl's part 1 Appearance 2 · quetzalcoatl, tezcatlipoca, mictecacihuatl free to use onyx equinox crunchyroll onyxequinoxedit oeedit gods aztec gods icons quetzalcoatl tezcatlipoca mictecacihuatl oeicons onyxequinoxicons

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· Onyx Equinox, the third Original production by animedistributor Crunchyroll, is a bloodspilling animated fantasy series steeped into the temples, gods, and rituals of Mesoamerican history and mythology Creator Sofia Alexander, previously a storyboard artist for Infinity Train, tells Polygon, "I hope that the love I have for Mexico and our culture and heritage is translatedThose monkeys are kinda scary Leave a Like and comment down below Subscribe if you want too!ONYX EQUINOX FRENCH El viejo sabroso Quetzalcóatl 141 views · May 11 Related Pages See All Onyx Equinox out of context 508 Followers · Entertainment Website Onyx Equinox 22,601 Followers · TV Show SeitōBungou Stray Dogs 1,344 Followers ·

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A page for describing Characters Onyx Equinox Main CharactersThe chosen hero of Quetzalcoatl, tasked with closing the five gates of the underworld BewareQuetzalcoatl (Onyx Equinox) Tezcatlipoca (Onyx Equinox) Xolotl (Onyx Equinox) Introspection; · To these ends, Quetzalcoatl decides to close the gates to the underworld, but can't due to said gates being made of obsidian, which is toxic against the gods So instead he makes a bet with Tezcatlipoca he will find a human, "the lowest of the low", and crown him his champion so he will close the gates before the equinox, when Tezcatlipoca

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